Humanly Speaking: The Evil of Abortion, the Silence of the Church, and the Grace of God

Humanly Speaking will help you stand for life by bringing clarity to the role of Christians in an abortion-supportive culture and by unmasking the destructive thinking that has effectively created two classes of human beings within the Church; those we value and protect, and those we regard as unworthy of our gospel influence and ignore.

Available on Amazon Kindle and paperback



“In Humanly Speaking, Mike Spencer presents a compelling case for the humanity and dignity of the unborn and calls the church to respond accordingly. For the sake of precious children and hurting women, God’s people should rise up to speak the truth in love. May God use this excellent book to empower church leaders and Christ-followers everywhere.”

Randy Alcorn and Stephanie Anderson,
Authors of Pro-Choice or Pro-Life: Examining 15 Pro-Choice Claims—What Do Facts & Common Sense Tell Us?

“Reading Humanly Speaking will give you tremendous expert insights into the abortion debate. Mike Spencer speaks from a deep reservoir of experience and clear biblical conviction and delivers practical and persuasive tools gleaned from speaking to groups and one on one. He unpacks the core of this moral issue facing the church and graciously reveals how to champion the sanctity of human life faithfully and firmly.”

-Jor-El Godsey,
President, Heartbeat International