I Personally Oppose Abortion, But I Can’t Impose My Morality on Others

When discussing abortion, a popular response from abortion supporters is to say something like, “I personally would never have an abortion, but I can’t impose my morality on others.” On the surface this sounds reasonable and tolerant– a kind of “live-and-let-live” ethic that resonates with many Americans. But since abortion is the intentional killing of innocent human beings, holding such a view is both illogical and morally indefensible.
What’s at Play? 
Those who respond in this manner are reducing the decision to abort one’s child to a mere personal preference decision. This is an example of moral relativism, the belief that there is no objective or absolute moral standard for right and wrong, and that morality is up to the individual to decide. Those who make this statement want to have it both ways. First, by claiming to be “personally opposed to abortion,” they avoid having to defend the indefensible. Second, by supporting the legal right of others to choose abortion, they avoid being labeled “anti-choice,” and having to defend themselves against the uncomfortable charge that they are “forcing their morality on others.” 
However, this safe, apparently middle-ground position isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Those who argue this way deceive themselves into believing they are pro-life. But to defend the legal “right” of others to abort their children is in fact the classic “pro-choice” (pro-abortion) position. Suppose we were talking about slavery. Imagine a political candidate, or anyone for that matter, who argued, “I personally would never own a slave, but I can’t impose my morality on others.” No one would reasonably conclude that this person truly opposes slavery, and no slave would view such a person as a friend and protector.  
Ask a simple, clarifying question. 
If you know someone who claims to be pro-life while supporting others’ legal ability to abort their children, you can help him/her see the inconsistency of this position simply by asking, “Do you mind if I ask why you personally oppose abortion?” Most abortion supporters have never been asked this question and therefore, have never been made to think about why they oppose abortion. Only one answer makes sense, and that is to acknowledge that abortion unjustly kills an innocent baby. Otherwise, why be “personally opposed” to it? Shouldn’t innocent and helpless babies be protected from those who would kill them? If your pro-choice friend is honest enough to admit that abortion unjustly kills an innocent baby, just kindly ask, “So, do I understand you correctly? You personally wouldn’t have an abortion because you believe it kills an innocent baby, but you support others in their decisions to kill innocent babies?”
In the end, those of us who believe the preborn should benefit from the same legal protection as the rest of us–namely, that they should not be unjustly killed–are not forcing anything on anyone; we’re simply trying to use our influence to stop the abortionist’s illicit use of deadly force against a helpless child. By pointing this out, you may not have your friend on his knees in sackcloth and ashes repenting of his support for abortion, but you’ll get him thinking. And that’s a good start. 


When Shepherds Lead


“Pro-Lifer’s Aren’t Really Pro-Life, They’re Only ‘Pro-Birth!’”